How to build your credit history

Creditworthiness plays a huge role when obtaining any type of loan, be it car, house, apartment, renting an apartment, opening new credit card or subscribing to a phone plan. Bad credit or no credit at all gets your application either denied or a loan with a very high interest rate.

Top machine learning companies in 2018

There is a common belief that lesser startups are predominantly more innovative and dynamic than more prominent established market leaders. This perception is widespread in almost all industries. The use of machine learning applications is unwavering becoming a daily phenomenon.…

Selling digital products and services online – my experience

Selling products or services online requires a solid e-commerce platform. There are numerous sites out there that offer e-commerce services but finding the right one can be a challenge. Many are overloaded with features that you end up paying for…

Fullcalendar integration using JQUERY, MySQL & PHP with repeating events support

Recently, I was working on a project that required populating events from a MySQL database to a Fullcalendar using PHP and JQuery.The repeating events were set to repeat on a given frequency such as every (n) days/weeks/months/years. The client also…